The exceptionally talented Kimmerly has always had a burning passion for music; however, her specialist has changed regularly over the years in many cases. Indeed, while Kimmerly learned about music initially on violin in the sixth grade, she would later progress to compete at professional levels in classic orchestral styles. Then, by age fifteen, she eventually decided to try and diversify and broaden her talents further. This would lead to her earliest experiences in songwriting, which would become a passion she’s retained to this day. 

Kimmerly kickstarted her official career as a solo music artist in June 2020 with the launch of her debut single, Waterlily. This incredible single is slow, soothing, and gentle, helping listeners relax into moment and really enjoy the music, lyrics, and sounds for their true worth. Few other singles are able to produce quite the same level of serenity and calm in their listeners, making this single incredibly powerful and moving accordingly, despite the soft tone. 

Following the early success of her single, Waterlily, Kimmerly was inspired to create two more singles: Starry Nights and Mona Lisa, both inspired by the artworks of the same name. It’s truly easy to feel the inspiration behind every piece, making her work incredibly memorable overall. 

Overall, we absolutely love Kimmerly’s style, which offers a refreshing, mesmerizing change from the status quo of many modern songs. As such, we wish her all the best with her future singles, and we are confident that they’ll continue to perform just as well as her current successes.